Archive for the ‘Race Results’ Category

First Running Blog Post

Posted: February 5, 2013 in Race Results

Welcome to Running With’em!

My name is Mary Pat Withem. I don’t know how long I’ll keep up this blog but I’ve seen so many blogs devoted to people and their running desires. I want to run several races in 2013 and launch my running addiction. How do I know I won’t falter…

I just finished my first 5K on Sunday and I had a BLAST!! I would like to thank my husband who has really encouraged me to start running and supported my desires to continue! Unfortunately, he had a bad migraine so he couldn’t make it to my race on Sunday BUT he was there in spirit! My sister, Marcy was able to make it and cheer me on.

Part of this blog is to keep track of my PR’s and my running habits. Clearly that’d require me to post nearly daily. One thing that I need to remember is that I’m also doing TurboFire which is a great program by Beachbody. I love Chalene Johnson!! She’s awesome 🙂

For those that don’t know what PR means, it’s Personal Records. Part of running is remembering that you are competing against yourself. Nobody is the same and not everybody will run at a pace that the fastest runners can run at. If you can beat yourself then that’s an accomplishment to celebrate. I’m attaching a photo of my first race goody bag and number!

First Race Goody Bag

  First Race Goody Bag


I’m also excited to include this because it was my first race so I’m happy about my time.

My first race!

My first race!


Yesterday I took the day off to recuperate. I’ve been trying to drill in my head that it’s very important to have some rest days! It’s not a matter of running all the time but resting up so you can run harder and faster next time!! Hopefully I’ll get to run some today but first I need to take my car into the shop to get an oil change.